Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Eadweard Muybridge: The Complete Locomotion Photographs Muybridge's Complete Human and Animal Locomotion: [Eadweard Muybridge] The Human and Animal Locomotion Photographs by Hans-Christian Adam Hardcover,Muybridge's Complete Human and Animal Locomotion, Vol (Nude) [Eadweard Muybridge] of nude men and women in remarkable stopped-action photographs by pioneering ,The complete 781 plates of Muybridges groundbreaking Animal Locomotion Eadweard...

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

What is a photograph : Edition en anglais

What is a photograph : Edition en anglais The big picture vocabulaire de l'actualite en anglais 2eme edition Occasion ou Neuf par Jean-Max Thomson (ELLIPSES). Profitez de la Livraison Gratuite (voir condition ,The term cor anglais is French for English horn, Retrieved from "" Categories:,French - Dictionnaire anglais-français; Italian - Dizionario inglese-italiano; Portuguese...

Monday, July 29, 2013

Los Angeles: Portrait of a City

Los Angeles: Portrait of a City "Los Angeles. Portrait of a City erzählt mit Aberhunderten von Fotografien die 150jährige Geschichte eines fortwährenden Ausbaus und Umbaus ,City of angels: Los Angeles. Portrait of a City. Taschens new series of glossy; photographic books delves into the histories of five prominent cities. From the ,In pictures: Taschens Portrait of a CityTaschen's Portrait of a City in Berlin, London, Los Angeles, New York and...

Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Polaroid Book : Selections from the Polaroid collections of photography Description du produitIn existence for over 50 years, the Polaroid Corporation's photography collection is the greatest collection of Polaroid images in the world. Begun by Polaroid founder Edwin Land and photographer Ansel Adams, the collection now includes images by hundreds of photographers throughout the world and contains important pieces by artists such as David...

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Stone Island : Archivio '982-'012

Stone Island : Archivio '982-'012 Shop the Stone Island Archivio '982'012 online at Pockets. FREE worldwide delivery available.,Stone Island Presents Archivio 982 012. Over the past 30 years Stone Island has built up an immense archive of garments: 20 000 pieces to be more exact.,The story of the Italian brand that reinvented sportswear in a book with more than 300 iconographic images of garments from the Stone Island archives.,Comprised of...

Friday, July 26, 2013

Inez Van Lamsweerde/Vinoodh Matadin. Pretty Much Everything Inez van Lamsweerde & Vinoodh Matadin Pretty Much Everything - Photographs 1985-2010 25 June - 15 September 2010 Foam is proud to introduce an overview of work by the ,Book Review: Pretty Much Everything by Inez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin,Currently up at Foam Fotographiemuseum Amsterdam is a retrospective of Inez van Lamsweerde & Vinoodh Matadin work over the last 25...

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Jean-François Jonvelle : Les 100 plus belles photos Description du produitEn hommage à Jean-François Jonvelle, mort en 2002, cet ouvrage présente les cent plus belles photographies d'un homme qui aimait les femmes. Le style de Jonvelle est actuel, il recherche une poésie du quotidien qui n'est jamais triviale, ni sophistiquée, parce que son regard est aimable et qu'il s'attache à rendre les femmes libres, naturelles et émouvantes. Comme l'écrit...

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

América latina 1960-2013 : Photographies

América latina 1960-2013 : Photographies Description du produitAxée sur la relation entre texte et image photographique, l'exposition América Latina 1960-2013 et l'ouvrage publié à cette occasion révèlent la grande diversité des pratiques photographiques de nombreux artistes latino-américains au cours de ces cinquante dernières années, marquées par une forte instabilité politique, économique et sociale. L'association du texte et de la photographie,...

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Henri Cartier-Bresson | album de l'exposition | français/anglais Return to Cartier-Bresson Page , Portraits by Henri Cartier-Bresson. Carson McCullers and George Davis, 1946 © Henri Cartier-Bresson/ Magnum Photos: Past Exhibitions | National Portrait Gallery ,Magnum Photos is a photographic cooperative of great diversity and distinction owned by its photographer members. With powerful individual vision, Magnum ,Henri Cartier-Bresson. CMS package...