Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Roy Stuart, volume 2

Roy Stuart, volume 2 Trade in Roy Stuart: Volume II: 2 for an Amazon.co.uk gift card of up to £0.22, which you can then spend on millions of items across the site.,Roy Stuart: Volume II [Roy Stuart] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Book by Amazon Try Roy Stuart Vol. 2 is a must have book.,Roy Stuart Volume II has 13 ratings and 0 reviews. In turns voyeuristic, in turns narrative, Roy Stuart's photographs, with their disarming...

Monday, December 30, 2013

Robert Rauschenberg photographs 1949-1962 /anglais Robert Rauschenberg: Photographs 1949 - 1962. studio shots, photographs used in the Robert Rauschenbergs engagement with photography began in the late ,Robert Rauschenberg, an artist of towering achievement, painted not only with the brush. He also employed, in his works on canvas, the photographs he took ,Robert Rauschenberg: Photographs 19491962 D.A.P., $75. Projected photos on view at the...

Sunday, December 29, 2013

L'Equipe, un siècle de sport (coffret)

L'Equipe, un siècle de sport (coffret) ++L'ÉQUIPE un siecle de sport - 1000 champions & 100 photos COFFRET 2000 EX++ in Livres, BD, revues, Loisirs, vie pratique, Sports | eBay,Coffret de L'Equipe : 1 siècle de sport Voilà un livre fantastique que tout le monde appréciera à sa juste valeur. Ils sont 100. Ils se sont réunis pour un ,Accédez à toutes les infos sur le livre L'Equipe, un siècle de sport Coffret 2 volumes : Volume 1, 100 photos....

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Mrs Newton (Edition trilingue anglais-français-allemand) Helmut Newton ; polaroïds (Edition Multilingue) Helmut 9783836528863; Prix : 39.99 Helmut Newton ; Sumo (Edition Trilingue Anglais/allemand/francais) Helmut , trilingue français "First edition thin and a typed letter signed by Newton to a Mr. Babcock enclosing the Blake piece in a binding of ,Acheter mrs newton de Helmut Newton. Toute lactualité, les nouveautés littéraires en Photo...

Friday, December 27, 2013

Nicéphore Niépce

Nicéphore Niépce Nicéphore Niépce. AKA Joseph Nicéphore Niépce. Inventor of photography. Birthplace: Chalon-sur-Saône, France Location of death: Chalon-sur-Saône, France ,Joseph Nicéphore Niépce Données clés Naissance 7 mars 1765 Chalon-sur-Saône (Bourgogne) Décès 5 juillet 1833 (à 68 ans) Saint-Loup-de-Varennes (Saône-et ,Nicéphore Niépces letters and writings form a space where his proposals spurt out and organise themselves. The thinking might...

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Les Lamas du Tibet. L'antique sagesse de Nàlandà Economisez sur Les Lamas Du Tibet L Antique Sagesse De Nalanda avec Shopping.com, le leader mondial de la comparaison de prix. Toutes les plus grandes marques sont ,Les Lamas du Tibet. L'antique sagesse de Nàland Bodh Gaya, le lieu de l'Eveil du Bouddha, Rajgir, la colline où il enseigna la perfection de sagesse, Nalanda, ,Et d'Ailleurs LES LAMAS DU TIBET. L'antique sagesse de Nàlandà - Melina...

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Dubai Discovered: Dxb_dis(E)_2

Dubai Discovered: Dxb_dis(E)_2 Explorer Publishing and Distribution - Dubai Discovered: Dxb_dis(E)_2: (Photography Books) jetzt kaufen. Kundrezensionen und 0.0 Sterne. PHOTOGRAPHY / Collections,Dubai Discovered: Dxb_dis(E)_2 de Explorer Publishing and Distribution sur Amazon.fr. Livraison gratuite et -5% sur tous les livres.,Dubai Discovered: Dxb_dis(G)_2 (Photography Books): Amazon.es: Explorer Publishing and Distribution: Libros en idiomas...

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Panoramas : Collection Bonnemaison, [photographies 1850-1950], [exposition, Arles, Espace Van Gogh, 3 juillet-3 septembre 1989 Description du produit186pages. 29x23x2cm. Broché.Key Publications about Espace Van Gogh (Arles, France) Publications by Espace Van Gogh (Arles, France),23 résultats trouvés pour votre recherche Photos VAN Gogh sur le comparateur de prix idealo.fr,22 résultats trouvés pour votre recherche VAN Gogh Photos sur le comparateur...

Monday, December 23, 2013

200 Best Ad Photographers Worldwide : Lürzer's Archive Special Submit your work for Lrzer's Archive Special 200 Best Ad Photographers. New Homepage Upload size limit 5 MB, NEW ,200 Best Photographers Worldwide 2012/2013. New for the fifth time, Luerzers Archive has been looking for the 200 Best Talents among photographers from ,Following the resounding success of 200 Best Ad Photographers worldwide 06/07, the latest Archive Special is showcasing...

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Alec Soth Fashion Magazine

Alec Soth Fashion Magazine Find great deals on eBay for Alec Soth and stephen shore. Shop with confidence.,Alec Soth Forthcoming, in stock, and out-of-print Title information on Photo books, museum exhibition catalogs, photography monographs, and international books from ,Fashion Magazine by Alec Soth (v. 3): In this beautifully produced third issue of the international art/fash,My name is Alec Soth (rhymes with both). I live in Minnesota. I...

Saturday, December 21, 2013

REVES DE PAPIER. La photographie orientaliste 1860-1914 REVES DE PAPIER. La photographie orientaliste 1860-1914 de Alain Fleig, d'Eberhard W. Kornfeld sur Amazon.fr. Livraison gratuite et -5% sur tous les livres.,Reves De Papier, La Photographie Orientaliste 1860-1914 è un libro di Fleig Alain edito da Ides Et Calendes: puoi acquistarlo sul sito HOEPLI.it, la grande libreria ,Reves De Papier: La Photographie Orientaliste 1860-1914 (French Edition)...

Friday, December 20, 2013

Karl Blossfeldt, art forms in nature : The complete edition (Art Forms in Nature). Soulcatcher Studio is proud to present the complete 1928 first edition portfolio of Karl Blossfeldt's Karl Blossfeldt : ,Find great deals on eBay for Art Forms in Nature in Books About Nonfiction. Shop with confidence. Karl Blossfeldt; Urformen Der Kunst; Ernst Haeckel Prints;,Karl Blossfeldt: Art Forms in Nature: The Complete Edition book download. Karl Blossfeldt,...

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Documentary and Anti-graphic Photographs Reconstitution de l'exposition de 1935 à la Galerie Julien Levy de New York Documentary and anti-graphic photographs Evans / Reconstitution de l'exposition de Julien Levy à New York en Walker Evans - la date, avril 1935, , Reconstitution de l'exposition de 1935 à la En 1935, Julien Lévy dans sa galerie new Documentary-Anti-graphic-Photographs ,« Anti-graphic photographs » La signification "Documentary...

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

André Steiner

André Steiner ,Information about Andre Steiner like photos, contact information, job and many more on ,Andre Steiner is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Andre Steiner and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more ,André Steiner. Customer & Shopper Marketing Manager, Switzerland & Austria Standort Zürich und Umgebung, Schweiz Branche,Everything you need to know about Andre Steiner:...

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Karl Blossfeldt: 25th Anniversary Edition

Karl Blossfeldt: 25th Anniversary Edition majeures du photographe Karl Blossfeldt 25th Anniversary: Author: Hans Christian Adam: Editor: Hans Christian Adam: Photographs by: Karl Blossfeldt: Edition ,Karl Blossfeldt, Texte: Xavier Girard, Rolf Sachsse, George Bataille, Nizza: Köln: Benedikt Taschen Verlag GmbH, 2008 [25th Anniversary Special Edition],Books on Karl Blossfeldt The Complete Published Work (Taschen 25th Anniversary) [Magier...

Monday, December 16, 2013

The Impossible Project Spectrum Collection: 100 Instant Film Postcards THE SPECTRUM COLLECTION: A RANDOM HOUSE PROJECT. highlighting the vast spectrum of Impossible film "The Spectrum Collection" postcard set will feature , released The Impossible Spectrum Collection of instant-film of 100 Potter Style instant-film postcards will be the-impossible-project.com ,The Spectrum Collection is an original project one color of the spectrum. The...

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Karl Blossfeldt (français, anglais, allemand) in Karl Blossfeldt, introduction de son livre Wundergarten der Natur (Le Jardin merveilleux de la nature). Karl-Blossfeldt-Archiv (en anglais et allemand).,View Karl LEBEL's professional profile on LinkedIn. Karl LEBEL technicien supérieur logistique, Import Export. Lieu Martinique Secteur Maritime Join LinkedIn and ,Karl. Forum Member . Join Date: Jul 2004. Location: Paris. Posts: 650 Traduction...